Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is July favorite (ok, only) brother's birthday. When he was little he would tell anyone who asked that his birFday was July Thirty!! Not thirtieth, because ordinals are far too difficult for little people to understand. Cute, huh?!

We will all be together at my parents this weekend to celebrate his 25th birthday. Hopefully he enjoys himself equally as much as he did the night before I took this photo of him packing his truck in his underwear and boots!
Happy BirFday, Little Brother! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happiness Is On Pike Street said...

Hope you have a great time! I always remembered Brett's b-day for some reason!:) Liane wanted me to tell you congrats on getting married!

Anonymous said...

Phew! I was thinking...Daisy Duke those are some short shorts!!! Underwear...that's better...Vicki at Hollyhocks