Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shoe Girls

I'm a shoe lover. Always have been, always will be. It's an obsession really! I can't get over the shoes they have for babies either. Before I ever was pregnant I knew that there were two kinds of shoes I wanted my little one to have: UGG boots and Converse All-Stars. Isn't that ridiculous!! (That's rhetorical....;)

Funny thing is she has tons of shoes, none of which are either of those listed above. Nearly all of them are hand-me-downs except a few that were gifts. Now I've really practiced some restraint with this, but the urge is beginning to take over for me. I'm afraid I'm setting my daughter up for the same sick obsession.... I just bought her these from Babies R Us (but with a gift card, so they're as good as a gift and I don't feel guilty!). They have them at, as well.

and these:
Which are ten times as cute in person...let me tell you!

Now I'm oohing and ahhing over these:
and these:
Can the baby shoes out there get any sweeter? I mean peep-toes? For an infant? OMG!!


Happiness Is On Pike Street said...

Love love love all the shoes!!! Emers has many pairs as well, yet none stay on yet! We have UGG boots yet they wont fit her till she is about 2. They have great girl stuff, yet it is still very hard for me to buy all that girlie stuff! I am getting better though!

brittany price said...

I cant believe all these shoes!! lol