Sunday, September 9, 2007

Two Out of Three Aint Bad!

Today I had three things that I wanted to be sure to get done:

1. Hang the bedpan in our office. (I know, I know, enough already about that raunchy bedpan! I swear this is it. But isn't it efficient? It's like it was meant to be!)

2. Take a better picture of those mini-cookie cutter letters and shapes for you to "ooh and ahh" over. Fun, huh? I believe Nicky was the master stager for this photo??

3. Finish working on a $1.00 desk drawer (from a garage sale last summer) turned foot stool. Unfortunately... the foot stool needed a bit more TLC before its photo shoot, soo....
There's always tomorrow, right?!
Doesn't that little phrase remind you of the 1964 Classic Rudolph Christmas Special when Clarice sings "There's Always Tomorrow"? I just love that part. Who am I kidding? I love that whole movie. My apologies for the early Christmas reference; but after all, Halloween goods have been on the shelves for a month!
Have a happy Monday!


Nicky C. K. said...

master stager indeed. i had to dig DEEP for those vowels.

Your bed pan looks oh-so-cute. Was it magnetic!?! Or are those stickers?

Anonymous said...

Conveniently magnetic!